Our SIPs are designed and produced in-house at our New Forest workshop (240sqm site) with the highest level of precision, safety and quality. Inspired by the natural world and the rich heritage that surrounds us, our team is committed to exceptional craftsmanship and to using sustainably-harvested timber. Wherever possible we avoid the use of steel beams in our structures, preferring to use Glulam beams in their place due to the environmental benefits they offer and the natural aesthetic they create. Our entire team are passionate about building sustainably and we continually review our manufacturing process to ensure it’s as eco-friendly as possible.

Our bespoke design and cutting system ensures that waste is kept to an absolute minimum and, where possible, any excess materials are recycled or repurposed on smaller-scale projects. In a streamlined process, our workshop technicians cut, stack, and accurately number each panel wall by wall and roof by roof. This off-site process makes a huge impact on minimising installation times with a typical two-storey 200m2 house taking around three days to fabricate and 15 days to erect on-site.
Our team works to the highest safety standards with excellent quality control. Our in-house manufacturing and onsite installation have been assessed and we are currently in the process of becoming accredited by ICW, the UK’s third-largest structural warranty provider, ensuring that any application for mortgage funding to 98% of high street banks, or structural warranty via ICW is guaranteed to be approved when you use Ecologic SIPs as we have our accreditation certificate. Every batch is accurately numbered to ensure full traceability in a streamlined process, resulting in an efficient on-site installation by our accredited technicians. From design to installation, we can ensure complete control over the successful delivery of your project.
SIPs Services: Manufacture
We laminate the OSB3 (oriented strand board) skins and EPS foam together to form SIPs using polyurethane glue and leave to cure under pressure in our specialist SIPs press. Polyurethane is incredibly strong and once cured the effect of laminating the three layers together creates a SIP panel that can take some incredible stresses. If you’d like to read more about the material choices for our SIP panels then please visit our what are SIPs webpage.
As we manufacture in-house we are able to offer a variety of panel thicknesses to meet the specific structural, thermal and/or environmental needs of your project. We also have a range of standard panel sizes, you can read more about their associated U-values, component make-up and overall dimensions by visiting our technical webpage. After we’ve manufactured your SIPs and all the associated materials, our haulage partners securely transport them to the site, allowing our construction team to commence the SIPs installation phase in line with your construction program.
SIPs production process